House Soft Wash

A house soft wash is vital to protecting your home from environmental contaminates. Over the months and years, the environment takes its toll on the outside of your home. Mold, algae, dirt, and smog continually bombard your home’s exterior. The impact is a weathered, dirty and dull exterior. Soft washing can gently, safely and thoroughly remove these contaminates, leaving your home looking clean and revived!
Can you use an inexpensive lawn-care company to clean your home, or even do it yourself? You can, but if power washing is done improperly, you risk damage to your home, and expensive repair bills. HydroBrite will achieve professional results with no risk, and no costly repair bills. In addition, the treatments we use not only remove grime, but kill fungus and algae, and leave the surfaces more resistant to new growth. Your house will stay cleaner, longer!

We use a technique called “soft washing”, which uses a combination of non-toxic detergents and low pressure to remove the unsightly grime, while leaving the structure of your home undisturbed. As manufactured siding materials (vinyl, fiber cement, metal, etc.) age, not only do they acquire built-up grime, but they also change due to the weather. Years of exposure to UV rays forms a top layer called oxidation. If proper technique is not used to clean these materials, the oxidation will be removed. This will result in a rough and spotty look, which is often impossible to repair, and expensive to replace. Even then, replacement panels will not match the rest of the siding on the home.